My First Post

Perhaps the first post to any new tech blog covers the technology stack that powers the blog itself.

When the technology stack takes precedence over the content, one shows off the system neofetch:

,--,           |           ,--,
|   `-,       ,^,       ,-'   |   -----------------------------
 `,    `-,   (/ \)   ,-'    ,'    OS: DragonFlyBSD 6.5-SYNTH x86_64
   `-,    `-,/   \,-'    ,-'      Uptime: 1 day, 17 hours, 53 mins
      `------(   )------'         Packages: 826 (pkg)
  ,----------(   )----------,     Shell: zsh 5.9
 |        _,-(   )-,_        |    Resolution: 1194x834
  `-,__,-'   \   /   `-,__,-'     DE: Xfce 4.18
              | |                 WM: Xfwm4
              | |                 WM Theme: Greybird-dark
              | |                 Theme: Greybird-dark [GTK2/3]
              | |                 Icons: elementary-xfce [GTK2], Adwaita [GTK3]
              | |                 Terminal: /dev/pts/0
              | |                 CPU: Intel i5-10210U (8) @ 2.112GHz
              `|'                 GPU: CometLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics]
                                  Memory: 19273MiB / 65190MiB